DOH backs Muslim ban on smoking

Muslims in the Philippines have boosted the campaign against smoking with the issuance of a “Fatwa on Smoking Cigarette.”

Department of Health (DOH) Secretary Esperanza Cabral welcomed the ruling and lauded Muslims for joining the growing number of anti-tobacco advocates.

The Supreme Council of Darul Ifta of the Philippines in Cotabato City released the Islamic ruling or fatwa, declaring cigarette smoking “haram” or forbidden.

The fatwa ordered that Muslims should not manufacture, buy, sell, trade or promote tobacco.

“The Supreme Council of Darul Ifta of the Philippines ruled unanimously that cultivating, selling, smoking tobacco or cigarette is deemed haram (forbidden), ” said Sheikh Omar Pasigan, Grand Mufti, in the ruling signed on April 14. “Smoking cigarette is forbidden in the Sharia’h (Islamic Jurisprudence) because of its being filthy, containing numerous harmful chemicals. Almighty Allah has permitted only good things for His servants such as foods, drinks, and other lawful ones,” the fatwa said.

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